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Kitchen Trends

Updated: Apr 14

Are you a homeowner looking to remodel your space? If so, you're in luck! We've compiled a list of the top 5 remodeling trends that homeowners are loving right now. These trends will not only enhance the functionality of your home but also add a touch of style and luxury. So, let's dive in and explore these exciting remodeling ideas! Kitchen: The heart of every home, the kitchen, is a space that deserves special attention. Cabinets At ECB Builders we build our own custom cabinets, so that we are certain to bring your home the greatest value possible. Of late we seen some interest trends in cabinets including three that stand out.

Bright Red Kitchen, with black counters
Bright Red Kitchen, with black counters

Bright bold colors, the old monochromic colors have faded away and now folks seem to want to make a statement with cabinets in unheard of tiones suh as Urban Red, Fox Yellow, English Blue.

Green Upper Cabinets, Blue Lower Kitchen cabinet
Two-tone kitchen with black accents

Muliti-Color Kitchens: Another fun trend is two-tone, and sometimes even three-tone, kitchen cabinets. They break up the space and bring character and excitement to the kitchen. Even the countertops can be of different colors and materials.

Old & New Kitchen Cabinets
Old & New Kitchen Cabinets

Mixing Old and New: Some one of a kind kitchens are acheiving their unique looks by mixing an antique piece or two with traditional kitchen cabinets. Sometiems the opiece is a found treasure and often as not it's a family heirloom.

Open Shelf kitchen storage
Open Shelf kitchen storage

Open Shelving: The open shelving trend in kitchens offers a minimalist, airy feel by replacing upper cabinets with floating shelves. It's a stylish way to display dishware, herbs, and decor, and it can make your kitchen feel more spacious. Converting existing cabinets into open shelving is a budget-friendly option, while still providing easy access to essentials. Keep the shelves organized and visually appealing for a functional and attractive kitchen space.

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